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Key industry VOC "one plant one policy" program outline

Addtime:2020-12-15   formTo:Sandy environment
The Ministry of Ecology and Environment issued issued a "comprehensive management of VOCs in key industries" requires key regions should organize local VOCs emissions of larger enterprises to carry out "a plant a policy" program preparation work. Preparation of VOCs "a plant a policy", first of all, to collect information on the enterprise, followed by the current situation and calculate emissions, and then propose a transformation program, and finally summarize the VOCS emissions and emissions reduction effect, reference outline is as follows.
First, the basic situation of the enterprise

Description of the enterprise name, address, industry, contact information (including contact name, telephone, fax, mailing address, zip code and e-mail), see the "Guangdong Province, fixed sources of VOCs emissions survey" in the "Table 1 Enterprise Basic Information Table".

Second, the current state of production

Description of the enterprise's main product types, production capacity and output in the last year, if different production workshops produce different products or intermediate products, should provide the product output of different production workshops respectively.

Description of the enterprise production plant, production lines and major products and warehouse storage, including dangerous goods, raw materials and finished goods warehouse.

Third, the process, production and discharge links and site conditions

(A) the process and production and emission links

Description of the enterprise's production process and the main link of VOCs emissions, with the enterprise production process flow diagram and VOCs emissions nodes.

According to the production process, detailed description of the main raw and auxiliary materials and the amount of the last year, production equipment and its model.

Industries involving the use of organic solvents should indicate the type and amount of organic solvents (including paints, coatings) in each section, see "Guangdong Province, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) survey information sheet".

Enterprises with storage tanks should explain the number of tanks, tank types (including horizontal, vaulted, internal floating roof, external floating roof), the type of liquid stored and its annual storage capacity, the maintenance of storage tanks, can be accompanied by a picture description.

Chemical companies should indicate the number of pipelines, valves, pumps, compressors, pressure relief valves, connections, open pipes, sampling connections and other devices sealing points, describing the maintenance of sealing points (such as the absence of damage, etc.), whether to carry out leak detection and repair (LDAR) and other related work. Companies with chemical plants should explain the start-up and shutdown of chemical plants, emptying methods, whether equipped with recovery and purification devices and other relevant information. Emptying process should be monitored to provide monitoring concentration of enterprises.

Chemical enterprises with sewage treatment facilities should provide information on the method of sewage treatment, whether to cover, open area and whether there is exhaust gas treatment.

(B) on-site situation

Description of the management level of the enterprise production line, production equipment and production plant closed state and the production line exhaust collection, with production plant site photos.

Fourth, the comprehensive rectification of VOCs and emissions

Description of the number of emissions from each workshop, the height of the standardized number of emissions from each workshop and the main types of pollutants emitted, etc. Description of the treatment facilities in each workshop, including the treatment technology, the type of pollutants treated, and the maintenance of the treatment facilities. Explain the diameter of the purification device outlet duct, fan rated air volume. Routine monitoring of enterprises should provide routine monitoring data of the discharge port, indicating that the enterprise VOCs emissions of the EIA predicted emission values and conventional monitoring data of the comparison, EIA approval requirements, super compliance and VOCs collection rate, disposal rate. Comprehensive remediation program with the governance process flow diagram and discharge point plan layout diagram.

Note: activated carbon adsorption device should provide activated carbon replacement frequency and disposal methods, etc., combustion method VOCs treatment device should provide fuel, combustion temperature and other combustion conditions.

V. VOCs to be implemented comprehensive remediation program

(A) source control program

1. Adjustment of low volatile raw materials

Surface coating industry to encourage the use of water-based coatings, high solids coatings, powder coatings, UV-curable coatings, etc., to limit the use of solvent-based coatings.

Paint, ink and adhesive production industry to encourage the expansion of low solvent content, low toxicity, low volatile paint production scale.

Packaging printing industry alcoholic (benzene-free, ketone-free) ink and water-based ink to replace solvent-based ink, printed tin cans using UV coatings with high solids.

2. Process adjustment

Encourage enterprises with large contributions to VOCs emissions in the production chain to relatively clean industries, and gradually eliminate the production chain with large VOCs emissions.

Surface coating industry to promote the use of electrostatic spraying, high-flow low-pressure spray guns and other coating processes with high coating efficiency.

coatings, inks and adhesives production industry to increase the production unit and production process of the rate of confinement, grinding, paint mixing and other production units edge of the confinement rate required ≥ 90%, to encourage the use of confinement of integrated production technology.

Packaging and printing industry to promote the use of solvent-free composite process instead of dry composite process.

(B) the end of the governance program

VOCs comprehensive rectification of the enterprise's production workshops and process links to sort out the situation, no governance facilities for the workshops and links, the development and implementation of a comprehensive technical program.

Have governance facilities but does not meet the "Guangdong Provincial Environmental Protection Department on the implementation of the comprehensive rectification of key industries VOCs (2014-2017)" and national and provincial VOC emission standards, technical specifications and technical guidelines for governance and other requirements, should develop and implement technical improvement programs.

For the existing governance facilities and meet the requirements of relevant technical specifications, should strengthen the supervision of emissions, and the establishment of enterprise VOCs environmental management information ledger as required.

(C) daily supervision program

1. the establishment of enterprise VOCs management ledger

The establishment of enterprises VOCs-related information management ledger and updated on an annual basis, the ledger is prepared with reference to the Guangdong Province stationary sources of VOCs emissions questionnaire, the establishment of VOCs management facilities operating ledger, such as: activated carbon adsorption device should provide activated carbon replacement frequency and disposal methods, etc., combustion method VOCs management device should provide fuel, combustion temperature and other combustion conditions.

2. put forward the enterprise VOCs emissions self-inspection program

The enterprises should put forward VOCs emission links and governance facilities self-inspection program. Organic chemical industry should strengthen the overhaul and maintenance of equipment such as cooling towers, valves, flanges, pumps and compressor seals, pressure relief equipment, etc., establish rapid leak repair technology (LDAR), and develop a leak overhaul plan.

3. The choice of water solvents or pharmaceutical absorption pretreatment, UV photolysis or photocatalytic technology generated by the treatment and disposal of secondary pollutants into a comprehensive remediation program .
